Female sexual arousal is one of the greatest mysteries of nature. If men are capable of experiencing sexual attraction for a few seconds, the fair half of the human race on this only a dream. Unfortunately, not all men know how to excite a girl.
Once it is worth remembering the main and obvious fact – all women are different. A young woman to feel sexual arousal, the need of a couple of passionate kisses, a couple of other familiar slogans, the third will not start without stimulation massage.
And yet, psychology, anatomy, and the experience of life they say that we are the standard, time tested methods of excitation of a woman.
You excited girl? Languor in the whole body, hot vagina, fuzzy look – typical signs of sexual arousal in women. The world ceases to exist in the head, there remains no reasonable thoughts. Animal instincts want to escape to the outside, the body requires at any time, you can continue and, above all, the final exhaust.
Signs of sexual arousal of the girl
Usually, the girl has need of 15 minutes of passive and active caresses, to experience these sensations. How does this mysterious process from the point of view of physiology?
During active stroking, in particular the stimulation of the clitoris and of the chest, the blood comes to the genitals. Appears to be moisture between the thighs, increases the heart rate and body temperature, breathing accelerates. Tense muscles below the belly – another classic sign of the excited female body.
The male and female arousal – the distinctive features:
- In men, the attraction to a girl occurs quickly. Typical example: for the street it's a spectacular woman with a good figure. Mini skirt and high heels bring out the beauty long legs. Bright, but not calling trick, seals the hair a pleasant scent... how Many men, watching this temptress, feel sexual arousal? Yes, almost all!
- In women it is more difficult and confusing. A man may be perfectly normal in appearance, with a "beer" belly, bald, and little like an athlete. And yet he will be popular among women. Why? Because he knows the psychology of women. So the man is always on top of sexual Olympians.
Truth no. 1. How to excite a girl? They give the impression of a strong man. Create an image of a conqueror, the dominant.
A woman wants a strong man. Who will be able to protect in case of danger. In this sense, the modern women are not very different from their primitive predecessors. A man has had a dozen lovers of a couple of centuries ago? The one that has killed more than all the animals and enemies, who is the best of all the hunt, who was the master of the house!
Bodily factors of sexual arousal in women
And again, as if trying to measure the man to settle the childish "oddities" in the realm of the emotional, there are two female physiological factors that cannot be ignored:
- the frequency of intimate relationships woman;
- day of the menstrual cycle.
If a woman has a great break sex, her excited faster with his loving similar. Nature requires that your body wants to caresses, and the male hugs.
However, we could not exclude the last sexual experience. Sexual intimacy should not cause the girl unpleasant memories, and stasis in the sexual sphere must not be associated with painful.
Women in every period of the menstrual cycle can have different degrees of sexual desire. It is easier to excite a girl during ovulation and more heavy directly before menstruation.
During ovulation, the woman will feel a great sexual desire. This is a natural phenomenon foreordained nature. In this period it is more easy to get pregnant, then a woman is excited easily and without effort on the part of the partner.
Prior to menstruation, on the contrary, sexual desire is almost zero. The reason for this high level of hormones in the body, irritability, pain in the lower abdomen.
In the course of psychology. Congratulations, the conversations and the atmosphere.
The woman always appreciates discreet attention of the male. This flatters his vanity, it helps to keep in shape. Most of the women do the makeup, go to beauty salons and buy sex, but not the bike's clothes to please men.

Truth no. 2. No woman will remain indifferent to sincere compliments. Words of admiration, to excite!
You want to excite a woman? Express his endorsement. A small phrase of admiration, and the woman they wanted to continue to knowledge. Particularly appreciated the compliments for the appearance (otherwise, why to look after themselves?). Nice to note and female intelligence, modesty, a cheerful character.
Classic the compliments, it did not disappoint:
- "You have a beautiful smile (and beautiful eyes, soft hands)".
- "With you it is easy to talk to."
- "You okay with this outfit (sweater, hat)".
The voice of a man – a good assistant for the complaint of a girl. Deep, with a little shortness of breath, you configure a woman on the right wave.
Truth no. 3. To excite a woman, the man must speak loudly and clearly, do not miss the opportunity to touch a female partner.
A man interested in you want of a woman. Now it is necessary, for the girl felt for him confidence. After all, the women perceive sex as something more than a natural need of the body. Especially the girls want to know more of his partner, feel his power, and reliability.
As a man may be properly excite a woman? A simple method and plenty of conversation!
Truth n ° 4. You want to excite a woman? Begins to ask questions of a personal nature: that she likes the breakfast, which he prefers to wear the clothes he likes best about human beings.
The woman will never be able to excitement, if she is uncomfortable in the presence of a partner. Less of the unpleasant sensations leads the process of communication, the more chance you have of a man to see the excitement of the girl.
If the relationship is already past the period of chocolates and bouquets of flowers, as a strong factor of stimulation suitable to talk about sex. A short history of a sexual nature, told in a whisper and the ear, causing great sexual desire in women. That's why you can't miss the fact that men love to watch the hot scenes, and the women talk about them.
Truth n ° 5. How to excite a woman? Ask for an appointment, where he will reign over the atmosphere of a fairy tale.
Romantic date, where reigns an atmosphere that is organized with the aim of seduction. The final good-secluded meeting the same – sex.
A music, a fragrance of flowers and of lighted candles, cold drinks, and snacks – great atmosphere for dinner ready! If during courtship, the male behaves kindly, to sustain an easy conversation, the woman in these conditions, without a doubt, feels sexual desire.
The female head of race thoughts: "That's cute, a nice man! For me, this is so good!" The man, who makes beautiful things, is exciting.
Touch and other stimulants action
The excitement of a woman increases gradually, step by step. Especially with a new partner. Tap need discreetly: remove the edge with the century, put your hand on life when you enter the restaurant, improve curl of the hair. These soft, seconds twist at the end will play an important role.

Still women love long-lasting contacts with the eyes. The man who looks long into the eyes of partner, try interest to you. Perhaps even admiration, approval. The look should be warm, accompanied by a slight smile.
Truth no. 6. Almost all of the women are excited by a kiss on the neck and décolleté.
The kissing of the neck slowly in a first time, the language is not exploited. Better start close to the left or right ear, gradually moving towards the centre. After that you can work with and the language. Licking a piece of skin on the neck, blow, and dreams of licking. It can be a bit biting, pinching his lips. And, again, gently kiss.
Begin to caress the chest with the upper part of the neck, near the collarbone. Gradually down to the nipples.
Pacifiers – is an organ very delicate. With them you have to contact a particularly delicate one. Circle the tongue around the nipple, a little bit of pressure with his lips, gently kissing – some of these movements are able to excite a girl to madness.
Energizing massage of the breast is able to dissolve even the most "the snow queen". The touch needs to be sure, but affectionate. Alternate tingling, stroking, rubbing. Close nipples better just fondle and pulverizing.
A woman loves to feel on his body the strong hands of the man. This gives a feeling of security and reliability.
Truth n ° 7. Many women highly excited by slow caresses the inner part of the thighs and buttocks.
Intimate caresses or kisses need to do with the mind. For a woman the arousal of the clitoris with the hand – this is unacceptable, the other with the joy of respond to this task. That is why, before going directly to the proximity, it is necessary to check the soil. To make the right conclusions on the character treasure, a way of education, vision of the world.
To caress the clitoris, a man's hands should be soft and warm. The delicate, almost imperceptible movement of touching the clitoris of the girl. After a second repeat the movement. Touch the clitoris with the tip of your fingers, almost palpable. Act before gently, slowly. Let the hand of the man a few seconds I'll keep it between the thighs of women.
Now it is possible to caress, a little bit of pressure on the clit. Caress this gentle, intimate the opening match of the body rhythmically and gently. Well, when the man alternates between stroking and pressure. Imagine that the clitoris is the canvas, and the finger – brush. Draw on canvas on diagonal lines, large and small circles.
The spontaneity, the male's excitement and dedication
Women like the diversity of sex. This is especially true for couples that already have many years together. The usual scenario sex does not excite me: the night, the children put to sleep, in the dark, a couple of shy kisses and directly sexual intimacy.
The man, who wants to excite a woman, you should be able to fantasize. Spontaneous sex after work directly in the shoes intriguing! Right in the corridor, only exposing the sexual organs. If the action is accompanied by a laugh, or words full of passion for the man, also do not have time to caress the chosen one. Express the caress of the tongue and the hands for another occasion. A few passionate kisses on the lips, and the woman already pervaded by a wave of passion.
Truth n ° 8. Not planned an intimate relationship excites a woman.
The man must not hide his excitement. The woman likes to see men sexual desire. To be loved, to be indispensable – the dream of every fair half of the human race.

Truth n ° 9. The man can only say about his strong sexual excitement, a woman is already ready to give up.
The nature is so inherent, that the female gender loves to feel beside him, a strong shoulder of a man. The woman, which dominates the intimate sphere, afraid that the man will not bring his fun. Then it is easier to take the initiative in their hands, and then experience the frustration, shame, and discontent partners.
To sum it up. To excite a girl, you need to:
- behave like a strong, a confident man;
- to create the right one for the sex romantic and lonely;
- make compliments;
- be a gentleman, talk with your partner;
- don't forget the "case" to touch a woman;
- the exercise of the imagination;
- have at its disposal a wide range of caresses.
You must not do do!
- be aggressive;
- speak aloud, to discuss, to demonstrate my point of view;
- always in silence;
- be skinny kisses and caresses;
- only thinking about their own personal pleasure, consider the woman as a sexual object.